By David Ponce
A Japanese company called REAL-f has gotten itself in the dubious business of manufacturing ultra-realistic 3D replicas of your face, which they call 3DPFs (“3 Dimension Photo Forms”). These can be made into mask form or full head form and cost a truckload of money. The first mask is $3,920 while each additional replica of it goes for $780. But the full head starts at $5,875 and each additional copy a mere $1,960. They make these masks by taking a series of photos from different angles and heat molding a piece of vinyl chloride resin. The photo-realism is so accurate that it’s said even blood vessels and iris details are replicated accurately.
Of course the obvious thought is that Halloween is coming and wouldn’t these make an awesome disguise? But at $4k+ a pop, we think we’ll settle for getting ourselves a Bieberlicious mask and terrorizing the neighborhood on the cheap instead.
[ REAL-f ] VIA [ Techcrunch Gadgets ]
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