
By Chris Scott Barr

My name is Chris, and I used to be a WoW addict. I lost countless hours to that game, but have been clean for over six months now. There are still millions of people hooked on the game, and now it looks as though they’ll have one less reason to log out.

Twitter is crazy-popular these days, so it really isn’t surprising to see it invade World of Warcraft. TweetCraft is a cool AddOn that will let you send and receive tweets in-game. You can also tweet screenshots and set up auto-tweets for events like logging in, entering instances and earning achievements. Of course the coolest part is being able to follow us from Azeroth.

[ TweetCraft ] VIA [ GearFuse ]


  1. Jeez… This is totally awesome! Finally, I can tweets while I am in raid and grinds for wow gold. But one thing is puzzling me, is it already a violation on Blizzard's terms of service?