Two Stroke Smoke Candle: Fill Your Home With the Scent of Motorbikes

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Two Stroke Smoke Candle

Close your eyes and take a whiff of the scent that emanates from the Two Stroke Smoke candle. Memories of hours spent riding a motorbike out in the country or weaving a snowmobile on the slopes will eventually come to mind. The smell of Blendzall Racing Castor 2 stroke oil isn’t the most pleasant scent in the world (frankly, it stinks) but the memories it conjures up are just all too precious.

If you feel nostalgic and are missing the good old days, then light one of these up and immerse yourself in the distinct high-octane fragrance of these candles.

Super awesome custom blended candle by Maplewood’s very own Maven. It’s made with real live Blendzall Racing Castor 2 stroke oil with high-octane fragrance.

The Two Stroke Smoke candle is available for $20.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Werd ]

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