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Uh, What? Washboard Will Mail You Quarters For Your Laundry

Hazel Chua Avatar

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The Internet is where you find all things absurd, kooky, and cool. Washboard is a little bit of everything, although its name doesn’t give much away. It’s basically a monthly subscription service of sorts where they’ll send you quarters which you’re supposed to use at the laundromat so you can do your laundry. It makes sense, considering most people have to scramble and look for change when they’ve got loads to wash.

The part that doesn’t though, are the rates. Under the $10 per month plan, Washboard will send you ten bucks’ worth of quarters for $15. For $20 in quarters, you’ll need to cough up $27. You don’t really get your money’s worth, that’s for sure. Washboard’s campaign was up and running but they had to pull the plug because their concept violated their payment processor’s terms of service.

So for now, I guess you’ll have to stick to change machines or get your quarters elsewhere.

VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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