By David Ponce
After looking at a few of the early submissions for the OhGizmo T-Shirt Design Contest, I’m realizing that perhaps I didn’t convey the concept clearly enough. Quite a few of the designs involve simply placing the logo somewhere on the shirt. And while we applaud the simplicity, we’re not looking for something that will appeal to OhGizmo readers only.
The Splitreason store gets geeky clients from all over, and we’re hoping to be able to sell a shirt to someone that hasn’t even heard of us before. To give you an idea of the type of designs we’re looking for, take a look at a couple of the other partner stores on the Splitreason site: Destructoid or Ctrl-Alt-Del. The brand is present throughout, but the designs are cool regardless of the logo.
I wanted to make this clear as soon as possible, before some of you spend too much time trying to find the optimal position for the OhGizmo logo.
Thanks all.