USB Piezo-Ionizer

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Thanko USB Piezo-Ionizer (Image courtesy AudioCubes)By Andrew Liszewski

Any time you have to crack open your PC tower for an upgrade it becomes quite obvious thanks to the mountains of dust that computers aren’t exactly the cleanest machines on the planet. All those fans that are designed to push and pull the air inside your tower are also quite effective at collecting everything else that’s floating around your home or office.

Most of us deal with the problem via a can of compressed air every few months but to others sitting near a dusty system can fuel some nasty allergies. If you’re one of those people you might want to think about carrying one of these USB ionizers from Thanko. Just stick it into an open USB port and the device will purify the air around your PC or laptop helping to eliminate certain allergy-causing particles. And the portable size ensures that no matter what system you’re working on you’ll always have relief on hand.

The Thanko USB Piezo-Ionizer is available from AudioCubes for $39.

[ Thanko USB Piezo-Ionizer @ AudioCubes ]

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