The Vessyl Smartcup Tells You How Many Calories are in Your Drink!

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Not every wish gets fulfilled, but some dreams do turn into reality. For those of you who have long been dreaming about utensils that can tell you how good or bad a particular food is for you, you have just been invited to come one step closer to realizing your deepest desire. Yes, there’s a new smartcup called Vessyl that can recognize a beverage from among thousands of drinks and tell you exactly how many calories it is holding at a given moment. The container has been designed by Yves Béhar and holds 13 ounces of liquid. It’s not only calorie-smart, but it can even tell you whether you’re properly hydrated – and it sends all the information to a special app on your smartphone. Tilt the cup and the display tells all. Not a bad bargain at a pre-order price of $99.

[ Vessyl ] VIA [ Engadget ]

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