By Evan Ackerman

In order to get smooth and stable video, the pros use several thousand dollar Steadicams. After watching this video, I think a chicken might be more effective. While Steadicams rely on high inertial mass to keep them from jiggling around, the chicken possesses superior technology in the form of a gyroscope (probably its inner ear) and compensating motors (the muscles in its neck). It’s able to instantaneously compensate for any movements of its body to keep its head just about perfectly stable. So all you really need to vastly improve your spastic videography is a willing chicken, a little helmet with a camera mount, and something to keep the chicken looking where you want it to look. Something like, I dunno, a girl chicken in a bikini or something. Brilliant.

VIA [ Gizmodo ]


  1. The original designs for guided cruise missles (during WWII) used pidgeons in front of a tiny TV screen in the nosecone of the missle. They were taught to tap on the screen at recognizable shapes like ships. Of course the pidgeons were expendable.

    The Japanese did the same thing with the Baka Bombs ( ) but they used humans….

    This made these missiles actually the first biological computers…..

  2. The chicken has Buddha nature, its mind is locked into the original Universe not a human preconception of reality. It is good to notice that : it a reflection of the true nature of reality. What locks the head in place is the same energy before and after death. The electric connection of molecules in outer space.

  3. The chicken has Buddha nature, its mind is locked into the original Universe not a human preconception of reality. It is good to notice that : it a reflection of the true nature of reality. What locks the head in place is the same energy before and after death. The electric connection of molecules in outer space.

  4. The chicken has Buddha nature, its mind is locked into the original Universe not a human preconception of reality. It is good to notice that : it a reflection of the true nature of reality. What locks the head in place is the same energy before and after death. The electric connection of molecules in outer space.