By David Ponce

This is so very, very old. Like May, 2005 old. But it’s the first time I’ve seen a video, and there’s bound to be some of you who haven’t seen it either. Researchers at Cornell University have developed a robot that can self-replicate. That is, it’s able to make copies of itself by using building blocks that it finds in its environment.

Admittedly, this is only a proof of concept, as the robot doesn’t really do anything. But watching that video sure is impressive.

Try to look at this as a building block, some small step on the way to something bigger, and hopefully not too scary.

[Self-Replicating Robot] VIA [Alt1040]


  1. Robot “autoreplicante”

    En Ohgizmo he encontrado un v?deo sobre una robot “autoreplicante”. La verdad es que resulta curioso ver c?mo el robot puede “autoreplicarse” mediante bloques que encuentra en el entorno.