Almost one year ago we featured the Corkicle, a cooled, icicle shaped rod that was meant to be inserted into a wine bottle to keep it at ideal drinking temperature. The idea was that you’d normally cool a bottle of white anyway, then open it, pour some out to drink and insert the Corkicle into the half empty bottle to maintain the right temp longer. The VinOice pictured above does the exact same thing, except it one-ups the Corkicle in that it also features a drip free spout. That… is pretty much it.

It’s $30.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ TheGreenHead ]


  1. Love this wine chiller!! It fits perfectly in the bottle and STAYS there. And the stainless steel, innovative design is a great conversation starter. All my friends want one. I guess I know what I’m getting people for Christmas. LOL