Virtual Pottery Wheel And Ceramic Printer Keeps Your Hands Clay Free

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Virtual Pottery Wheel And Ceramic Printer (Images courtesy
By Andrew Liszewski

While you don’t get quite the same level of tactile feedback as you do with a potter’s wheel and clay, the L’Artisan Electronique installation, created by Belgian-based design firm Unfold, allows you to go through the pottery making process without all the mess and misadventures provided by a spinning wheel and a lump of clay. A user is able to manipulate a virtual wireframe pot by simply moving their hands in the air, while their motions are captured and translated using a combination of a video camera and a green laser. Once their creation is complete, the results can be saved and sent to a modified RepRap 3D printer that uses clay instead of plastic to ‘print out’ a real version of their virtual pottery.

[ – L’Artisan Electronique ] VIA [ Make ]

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