Visual Assist Dartboard Hightlights The Best Spots To Target

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Key Takeaways

Visual Assist Dartboard (Image courtesy Hammacher Schlemmer)
By Andrew Liszewski

While technically the goal of playing darts is to get to a specific score before your opponent does, there are rules that make it a little more difficult than just trying to hit the bulls eye every turn. Starting at 701, 501 or 301 the goal is to actually get to 0 first, but you have to end up there exactly. So if you find yourself too focused on the game to crunch the numbers and figure out the best spots to target on your next throw, this interactive board is here to help.

Besides automatically keeping track of the score, the board also uses LEDs to suggest and illuminate the best places to throw your dart in order to get to 0 the quickest. And because it’s electronic it’s also got other unique versions of the game including Treasure Hunt which has players targeting each segment until they find the ‘buried treasure.’ If you’re worried about the drywall in your games room you might also be happy to know this is one of those ‘safe’ versions where the darts have soft tips and wedge into holes on the board. $199.95 from Hammacher Schlemmer.

[ Visual Assist Dartboard ]

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