Wait A Minute… Somewhere They Hold Demolition Derbies With Combines? And I Wasn’t Told About It?

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Lind, Washington Combine Demolition Derby (Images courtesy LindWA.com)
By Andrew Liszewski

Whenever I’m driving through farm country and see one of those huge combines, I can’t help but wonder what would happen if a couple of them crashed into each other. But for the longest time I assumed I was the only one. “Some day…” I would think to myself, “some day…” Well it turns out that ‘some day’ is actually June 14 when the town of Lind, Washington holds their annual Combine Demolition Derby. The town itself is pretty small, but the derby manages to draw crowds of close to 5,000 people from all over the state. The competing teams seem to go all out too, bringing support people for on-the-fly repairs and painting the combines with colorful slogans and nicknames. There’s even a cash prize for the winners, though something tells me it doesn’t quite cover the cost of the actual combines that have probably seen their last harvest.

[ Washington Combine Demolition Derby ] VIA [ GoSleepGo ]

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