Wanna Make You Cat Feel Like An Astronaut, Try This U-Pet Bubble Carrier

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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He’ll be like a cat astronaut… a catstronaut, you know? No? Ok, before we show ourselves out, you have to check out this U-Pet Innovative Bubble Carrier. It’s a lot like a regular pet carrier, except instead of the usual mesh window that your cat gets to look through, he gets a plexiglas bubble. It’s… totally going to make his experience more exciting, as evidenced by the not-freaked-out-at-all cat in the picture below. Everything else seems to be standard issue pet carrier stuff, with ventilation holes, a soft washable pad, and top & side entries for maximum accessibility. Prices start at $80, but at least one of them is out of stock right now.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]

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