Watching Cute Girl App

You know that feeling you just get when someone’s staring at you? If you care to look around, then you’ll probably spot someone who actually is. I don’t like being stared at because it makes me feel self-conscious. But if you don’t mind having multiple pairs of eyes trained on you and happen to actually like being stared at, then I know the perfect app for you: Watching Cute Girl.

It’s basically an interactive app featuring a cute girl who will watch you (whenever you want her to) and make appropriate and random comments here and there. Eating alone? Watching TV all by your lonesome? Pulling all-nighter and feeling a bit lonely? This cute girl will be your constant companion and all you have to do to ‘call’ her is tap your screen and she’ll be there in an instant.

Hit the break for an ad featuring this quirky and sort-of weird app.

The app is priced at ¥85 or about $14. Pretty pricey for an app, but how much would you pay for company?

[ App Store ] VIA [ Kotaku ]

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One thing Hazel loves more than geeky stuff is writing about their awesomeness. She graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering but has always wanted to be a writer. As luck and a whole lot of work would have it, Hazel got her cake and is eating it, too: sifting through endless paperwork during the day while blogging for various tech and gadgetry blogs during the night. She also established her own gadgetry blog recently, which you can check out at