Bender Bending Rodríguez Toque (Image courtesy wa2wider)
By Andrew Liszewski

Yesterday I may have been lamenting that Winter seems to be dragging its feet on the way out the door, but after discovering this amazing Bender Bending Rodríguez toque, I’m now content to have the cold weather stick around for a few more weeks. It was crocheted by Flickr user ‘cheewawamomma‘ and after perusing their photo gallery it’s safe to say they have near Jedi-like skills when it comes to using a crochet hook. Color my shiny metal ass thoroughly impressed, and jealous of Flickr user ‘wa2wider‘ who snapped the above photo.

[ Flickr – wa2wider – Bite My Shiney Metal Ass! ] VIA [ Illuminations and Other Stuff ]