If You Watch Only One Video Today, Make It This Time-lapse Of Dubai

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Dubai Flow Motion from Rob Whitworth on Vimeo.

Holy jumping falafels, this video is mind blowing! I don’t know if I’m more impressed with how wonderful Dubai now looks (last time I was there was 8 years ago and it’s changed a lot!) or how slickly produced this video is. It’s made by timelapse professional Rob Whitworth, and there aren’t enough words in the English language to convey the massive undertaking the 3:06 video represents. The amount of time it must have taken to make, the endless hours in the editing room… This video is able to make an enormous city like Dubai look small… and enormous at the same time. It conveys a sense of scale in a way no other video ever has. Do yourself a favour and take 186 seconds of your day to look at this one video. You won’t regret it.

VIA [ Gizmodo ]

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