Water Pebble Watches Usage, Helps You Cut Down

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By David Ponce

Taking a shower is already better than taking a bath when it comes to how much water you use. That’s of course unless you’re a girl, in which case you likely spend upwards of one hour in there, doing heaven knows what and making an appreciable dent into your town’s fresh water reserves. That needs to stop. The Water Pebble, which has been around for a couple of years, is a bit like a smoker’s nicotine patch. You put it at the bottom of the shower where it initially monitors how much you use. It then uses a series of lights to gradually cut down from that initial baseline.

It’s a $10 gadget, so we don’t really know if it’s sophisticated enough to detect between multiple users. But at that price, everyone in the household can get their own and save the planet and all those green things.

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