By David Ponce

Don’t think it’s a good idea to ask why it’s taken this long. Chalk it up to yours truly being some kind of moron. Nevertheless, better late than never, so here you have it, our Facebook Page. We’ve also inserted a little widget in the sidebar, but we’re not sure just how many people ever really look there… so I’m making a post about it so you can all luxate a finger in your excitement to go follow us on Facebook.

What are we going to do with it? Well, aside from reposting our articles, there will be the occasional giveaway that will be announced there only. And maybe you’ll see photos or videos of your favorite editors getting into increasingly embarrassing shenanigans. Or maybe not… we like to keep an aura of pretend professionalism around here. We’ll see, and we welcome suggestions.

In the meantime, Go Press That Button!!.

[ OhGizmo!’s Facebook Page ]