Weed Whacking Golf Driver (Image courtesy Hammacher Schlemmer)
By Andrew Liszewski

There’s really no way on Earth you’ll actually be able to covertly use this weed whacker disguised as a driver while you’re out on the golf course playing a round with friends, but if no one else minds, it could make getting out of the rough a little easier. The single string trimmer is hidden beneath a flip-open panel so with just a passing glance no one would be wise to your scam, but let’s be honest here, it would never slip past a close inspection of the contents of your golf bag. The whacker bit is powered by 6 x AA batteries though I have no idea how much growth that will let you clear, and the club is available for just $39.95 from Hammacher Schlemmer making it perfectly priced as a gag gift, something I’m sure golfers can never get enough of.

[ Weed Whacking Golf Driver ] VIA [ Random Good Stuff ]