Weird: A Lens That Basically Has An Instagram Filter Built-In

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This is a very weird, premium lens made by Lensbaby. On the surface, it’s a fairly standard 35mm 2.8 lens, but it has one weird little trick built into it, a slider that adjusts swirling bokeh and vignette.

Basically, it’s like a built-in Instagram filter. Just adjust the little slider, and boom! You now have a photo with a pre-applied filter. That means you can save like, 4 seconds while uploading your image to Instagram. In all seriousness, I love the concept of having more built-in controls, especially when it comes to bokeh.

All that swirly goodness does come at a premium price however, as the lens will set you back $500. That may be a drop for many professional photographers (who probably wouldn’t touch the thing), but for that price I can pay a few dozen people to convince me that photography isn’t a worthwhile hobby, and I should follow my dreams of being a ballet dancer instead.

Lensbaby ]

Hit the jump for an example photo of what a $500 lens with a built-in filter can do.

Ohhh, Ahhh

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