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    Welcome Once More

    David Ponce Avatar

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    If you’re reading this, you’re on the new server, at Media Temple. We’re hoping this will be our new home for a while at least. Impressions anyone? As fast as Bluehost? Any problems? Anything broken?

    3 responses to “Post Title”

    1. ketyung Avatar

      So OhGizmo is on dedicated hosting now?

    2. ketyung Avatar

      By the way I see the IP address instead of the domain name.

    3. liganic Avatar

      same here

    4. Militantplatypus Avatar

      I would love to hear from you when you find a reliable host. I am currently with dreamhost, and my site is down, and the support is down…

    5. Matthew Avatar

      All seems good except the IP shown in the address bar as mentioned above.

    6. sam Avatar

      WordPress crapped out for a moment. I refereshed a few times and it came back. Also, the IP address problem only occurs when looking at a post, not on the main page.

    7. myoso Avatar

      I like it. It’s much faster than any of the old servers.

    8. Josh Avatar

      SAm: Your wrong. I get the IP on the main page also.

    9. david ponce Avatar

      Guys, don’t worry, the IP business is just temporary, until the DNS changes have propagated. I’m going to fix that on Monday.

      But guess what? It looks like it might have been a mistake to go with VPS. Seems our tiny little site might be too much to handle on a VPS. Ironically, after speaking with Media Temple tech, they’re telling me I might have been better of taking their cheaper Grid Server (which happens to be shared…).

    10. nomadicalloy Avatar

      welcome back ohgizmo. I hope this hosting will be good.

    11.  Avatar

      It is much faster than the old server