By Evan Ackerman
Noticed anything odd yesterday? We did. It was April’s Fool all over the place, and people were having fun. Here are just a few examples:
R/C Battlefish
Each Piranhaz set comes with two battle fish, equipped with their own laser cannon. A quick charge from the remote and each fish is ready to go. Squeeze their sides to turn them on (you’ll see the eyes light up) and put them in the Arena. They will suck in a little water for ballast (just like a submarine). And then…FIGHT! Please use with caution when playing in fish tank with live fish – the lasers can blind them.
$29.99 From Thinkgeek.
Google TiSP
Google today announced the launch of Google TiSP (BETA)™, a free in-home wireless broadband service that delivers online connectivity via users’ plumbing systems. The Toilet Internet Service Provider (TiSP) project is a self-installed, ad-supported online service that will be offered entirely free to any consumer with a WiFi-capable PC and a toilet connected to a local municipal sewage system. “I couldn’t be more excited about, and am only slightly grossed out by, this remarkable new product,” said Marissa Mayer, Google’s Vice President of Search Products and User Experience. “I firmly believe TiSP will be a breakthrough product, particularly for those users who, like Larry himself, do much of their best thinking in the bathroom.”
Available for free (unless you want professional installation or the Enterprise version) from Google.
Enjoy a few more after the jump.
Using both wireless and Bluetooth technology, these silicone Ear Phonez will transform your listening pleasure. These soft and tactile ears slip over your own ears and allow you to listen to your music in perfect comfort, with no wires tangling themselves round your neck. The lobes contain Power on/off (left ear) as well as full volume control and forward/back and pause control (right ear). You will need an MP3 player with wireless and or Bluetooth compatibility. This isn’t just great news for the listener, but best of all, due to the ergonomic moulding fit, there’s no sound leakage, so finally we won’t have to put up with that ghastly whining buzz of other people’s music on the bus, train or tube.
$72.00 From
If that’s not enough for ya, here are links to a whole bunch more, courtesy ThinkGeek, Google, and IWantOneOfThose.
ThinkGeek WiiHelm
ThinkGeek Inhaleable Caffeine Stix
ThinkGeek Wall Socket Tester
Extra Day on Google Calendar (My personal favorite)
Gmail Paper E-mail
Google PigeonRank
Google MentalPlex Search