We’re Launching BotJunkie.com!

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botjunkie launch

By David Ponce

Robots are cool. One day, they’ll wipe our bums and serve us martinis while we laze away on some beach; countless cybernetic minions hacking away at our menial tasks. Or they’ll enslave us all. Either way, with the launch of BotJunkie, we’ll be right in the thick of the action, chronicling it all for your entertainment. Our plan is to bring you a daily robotics-oriented news website with the same level of professionalism, dedication and attention to detail that you’ve come to expect from our team. It is edited by our very own Evan Ackerman with future contributions from everyone else, including myself. The logo is mostly the work of Andrew Liszewski (yeah, our Andrew).

The story behind this launch is long and winding… and I’ll spare you a retelling. But suffice it to say that we’re very excited about this, and we hope you enjoy reading it as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it all together. Oh, and if something is broken, missing, stupid or sucky, please let us know. Here or there, it doesn’t matter.

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