When Two Become One: Nendo’s Double Helix Chopsticks

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2-In-1 Double Helix Chopsticks

For someone who hasn’t gotten the hang of using chopsticks yet, these 2-in-1 Double Helix chopsticks sure look complicated. But don’t be deceived by the twisted end, because it won’t affect how you’re supposed to use them at all. In fact, you’ll be able to use them like regular old chopsticks, because you won’t be holding the helix portion while you use them to pick up your food.

Designed by Nendo, the Double Helix chopsticks solve the first-world problem of storing chopsticks. The helix allows each of the sticks to fit perfectly with the other, decreasing the chance of losing one of sticks when you’re carrying them around.

VIA [ Food Beast ]

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