By Andrew Liszewski
So I’ve been holding off on posting this until I was sure everything was on the up and up but it looks like Proporta is indeed giving away free replacement silicone covers for Sony earbuds. I’ve been exclusively using this type of Sony earbuds for about 4 years now and while they’re comfortable I can’t tell you how many times one of the silicone covers has popped off while the headphones were in my pocket. So far I haven’t needed to find replacements from Sony but I know people who have and it wasn’t the easiest of tasks. Thankfully I now have a backup set and don’t have to worry so much about losing my current ones.
I also wanted to point out that not only is Proporta giving away a 3-pack of the silicone covers but that also includes free shipping. In fact I was surprised to see the package arrive in only a matter of days since I was definitely expecting a 6 to 8 weeks arrival at best.
Now unfortunately it looks like Proporta is currently out of stock of the replacement earbuds but their website says they hope to receive stock again soon. You can find out all the details about their giveaway on the Proporta website including the fact you need to quote the promocode EARBUD when checking out.
[ Proporta is giving away replacement earbuds…for free ] VIA [ Gear Diary ]