Because giving your newborn a bath in the sink like a regular person isn’t good enough for some people, Italian design firm BluBleu went and created the MagicBath. Yeah, it’s pretty much a fancy jacuzzi that fits your baby… but only for the first 12 months. After that most babies will be too large, and the luxury tub will then be relegated to bathing your Pomeranian pup, or similarly sized pet. Aside from being small, the acrylic tub is specially shaped to hold babies lying down in one end, and 6-12 month olds sitting up at the other end. Precisely controlled water temperature, as well as 10 bubble jets will send your child on “a fabulous journey of sensory experiences.” Underwater LEDs even provide some mood lighting. Of course you see, your kid is very likely to remember these experiences later on and thank you profusely for having thought it a good idea to spend $2,100 on a fancy tub for them when they were young. You just know they will, right? Right? Otherwise, what would be the point?
[ Manufacturer Website ] VIA [ TheFancy ]
3 responses to “Post Title”
The best part by far is the “Haters gonna hate” attitude of the baby.