By Chris Scott Barr

It’s Friday, and we’re in a giving mood. You know what that means; it’s time to give something back to you! This week we’ve got a SmartSwipe for one of our lucky readers. What is this contraption, you say? It’s a credit card reader for your home computer. No, it’s not for taking payments at home, but rather for making your life a little easier (and safer).

The SmartSwipe allows you to enter your credit card information by simply swiping your card. No more trying to punch in 16 digits, just swipe it. This also helps protect against any sort of malicious keylogging software that may have infected your computer. Whether you’re worried about online security, or just want to make buying things online a bit easier, this could definitely come in handy.

We’re running this contest much the same as the others lately. If you’re in the US and want to get your hands on this, just drop us a comment below. Next Friday, a winner will be selected at random. Good luck!

[ SmartSwipe ]


  1. I do a fair bit of online shopping– but the kicker is I do a lot of it for my parents, who are uneasy about online security. Perhaps a thing like this will help put their minds at ease (after teaching them more about secure servers and how to know which are good).

  2. I don't consider myself lazy or paranoid enough to fear typing in my credit card every time I need to make an on-line purchase, but I would love this all the same.