Salt & Pepper Bots (Image courtesy SUCK UK)
By Andrew Liszewski

I know, it’s about four days too late for these handy wind-up walking salt and pepper shakers to make Thanksgiving dinner more entertaining, but there’s always Christmas dinner less than a month away. Available soon from SUCK UK (for about $33) and designed by Marc Owens, these robots are yet another sign that automatons are slowly but steadily taking over all of mankind’s most menial tasks. And I for one welcome our mashed potato seasoning overlords.

[ Salt & Pepper Wind-Up Robots ] VIA [ Nerd Approved ]


  1. I've like robots since I first saw one when I was a little kid. They were like toys that had their own abilities, unlike the pet cat my parents had that only ran away outside, or sleeped all day at home. Then we got a dog, and it chased and ate the robots.
    I don't remember the last time I salted or peppered my food at the table. At the rate these shaker walk, I think I'd have time to remember.

  2. I don't think I'll be happy when one falls and makes a mess, but it's a neat idea. I'm sure I know some people who would love to have these on the table.

  3. I don't think I'll be happy when one falls and makes a mess, but it's a neat idea. I'm sure I know some people who would love to have these on the table.