WINKpen Can Use Any Liquid, Even Wine, To Write

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We live in a disposable society, or at the very least a society that seems too comfortable with the idea of throwing away things once they’ve outlived their apparent usefulness. But Portland-based designer Jessica Chan created the WINKpen as a way to go against our throwaway trend, and promoting sustainability, by creating the WINKpen. The writing implement can use any staining liquid as ink, like beer, tea, and even wine.

Unlike other fountain pens, where the ink usually comes out of a metal nib, WINKpen’s nib is made of glass. Spiraled grooves in the glass nib feed “ink” to the paper, producing a more pleasant aesthetic effect. Additionally, using glass offers the advantage of avoiding corrosion, plus it’s easier to clean.

It’s an interesting concept, if only a little unnecessary and unfortunately a bit overpriced. A WINKpen will cost you a rather hefty $60 pledge.


[ Project Page ] VIA [ Gizmag ]

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