Here’s another oldie, but still good even a couple of years later. We don’t know if this means we’ve been infected with the hipster virus, but we’re sort of digging the above USB Typewriter. Maybe it’s because writing is what we do for a living and old-timey typewriters represent a nostalgic link to writing’s not so distant low-tech past. But we wouldn’t mind typing out these articles from a USB Typewriter, which serves as a fully functional keyboard to your PC, Mac or even tablet but with all the clickety click and carriage return bells from the last century. You can even type with ink on paper, while simultaneously typing on your digital device.

Jack Zelkyn sells these from his Etsy shop and can offer you either a DIY conversion kit for around $80, if you want to use your own typewriter. But if you don’t have one, or can’t be bothered to, you know, do anything yourself, and have the cash to spare, Jack will send you a fully assembled setup starting at $699.

Check out the link at the bottom for more.

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