Woot-Off Underway

Evan Ackerman Avatar
Evan Ackerman Avatar


Key Takeaways

wootlogoBy Evan Ackerman

Woot.com normally sells one heavily discounted gadgety item every 24 hours, but during a Woot-Off, a new item appears as soon as the current item sells out (sometimes after mere seconds). Nobody knows what’s coming up next, but whatever it is, it’s dirt cheap (with flat rate $5 shipping). Among the items you’ve missed so far have been a Philips 1000 watt home theater system for $80, HDTV USB stick for $25, an Asus EEE 900 netbook for $140, and an 18 watt solar charger and charge controller for $80. And, of course, a whole bunch of random weird crap.

If you’re too lazy to refresh the page to see when the item changes, here’s a list of automatic Woot-Off checkers.

[ Woot! ]

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