Millennium Falcon Area Rug

Regardless of how small your den may be, you can now fit a space ship in it–that is, if you have at least 33 square feet of vacant space. It’s not an actual space ship, of course, but this rug with the Millennium Falcon printed on it. The level of detail is pretty impressive, and the entire rug is cut out in the shape of the Falcon. If you’ve got some time on your hands, you can break out your tools and even turn it into a tapestry.

The rug is made from 100% polyester pile and is officially licensed.

Millennium Falcon Area Rug1

Millennium Falcon Area Rug2


The Millennium Falcon rug is available online for $100.

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One thing Hazel loves more than geeky stuff is writing about their awesomeness. She graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering but has always wanted to be a writer. As luck and a whole lot of work would have it, Hazel got her cake and is eating it, too: sifting through endless paperwork during the day while blogging for various tech and gadgetry blogs during the night. She also established her own gadgetry blog recently, which you can check out at