World’s Awesomest Mom Mods Her Kid’s Push Car into a Time-Traveling DeLorean

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Kid DeLorean

When I was a kid, I wished everyday that I’d get a DeLorean for my birthday. Instead, I got a Barbie doll, but I was still happy anyway. Regardless, I’m still bowling over with envy at little Cooper because he’s going to be riding around in a smashing DeLorean this Halloween, all thanks to his awesome dad mom* named Cory.

Cory probably wanted to make her little boy something extra this Halloween, so why not a DeLorean sort-of replica from Back to the Future? It might not be able to travel back through time, but it has the power to make everyone who sees it (aka. you and me) to go back in time and remember the good old days. And what good old days they were.

Hit the break to check out more awesome pics of Cooper’s modded push car!

Kid DeLorean

Kid DeLorean

Kid DeLorean

*Correction: We originally gave credit for Cooper’s awesome DeLorean push car mod to his ‘dad’ named ‘Cody’ but it turns out the parent responsible for it was his mother named Cory. Oh, the horror of our errors. Thanks to Cory for writing in and telling us so nicely that this was her fantastic work.

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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