Ladies and gents, feast your eyes on the World’s Largest Bra, which is a mega-sized 1222B! But before we talk about this ginormous piece of lingerie, let’s talk about the events that made it happen.
Bigger isn’t always better except when it has something to do with a certain part of your body–and by that, I mean your heart. (Just in case you were thinking of something else, which I totally had no intention of making you do. Snicker.)
In all seriousness, having a figuratively bigger heart opens your eyes to the plights of others and the realities of the world. Cancer takes away so many precious lives every year, especially breast cancer, and the sad thing is that some of these lives could have been saved by treatment, had they made the discovery sooner. One way to do that is by getting regular check-ups. And one way to remind men and women to do that is through an awareness campaign, like the ones that the Breast Cancer Campaign is doing.
Some people decided to help out the BCA this year and they did so with extremely huge efforts: by making the 97-foot long brassiere you see above (and after the jump!)
Talk about huge.
This huge bra was certified as the world’s largest last October. It was going to be recycled into sailcloth, but then someone came up with the idea of auctioning the nearly 165-pound bra off on eBay instead. Right now bidding is at £2,051 (around $3,300) and all proceeds will go to the UK BCA’s ‘Wear it Pink’ campaign.
[ eBay ] VIA [ Incredible Things ]