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World’s Most Useless Machine, Now More Advanced

David Ponce Avatar

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About three years ago, the world’s Most Useless Machine was introduced to the world. You can see a video of it here. It was a simple box with a switch that, when flipped, would activate a mechanism whose only purpose was to, well, flip the switch right back to how it was in the first place. Genius. So now this same principle has been pumped up on steroids, and a machine of great ingenuity created, one whose unbridled ingenuity is only rivalled by its uselessness. Meet the Useless Machine Advanced Edition. Using a broken Canon 850i printer, the machine features not one, but eight such switches with an internal switch-flipping mechanism of eerie efficiency.

It’s a fairly complex DIY build, but all the instructions and hardware requirements are listed at the link below.

[ Useles Machine Advanced Edition ] VIA [ LikeCool ]

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