Would You Bring A PC With You Everywhere, If It Would Fit In Your Pocket?

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Tango PC is hoping you will. The idea is that they’re making a fully self-contained PC that’s about the size of half a standard smartphone, which is powerful enough to do pretty much anything you’d do with a full-size machine. The PCs work in tandem with a Tango docking station which has ports for everything, including 2K and 4K outputs, ports for keyboards, monitors, game controllers, etc. The key of the entire setup is that the cooling fan is in the dock, which allows for the microprocessors only to remain in the portable unit and retain its small size, while allowing higher a higher processing power than could be achieved without active cooling. You could then have a multitude of docks (one at work, in the home office, in the living room, etc.) and simply shuttle your Tango PC around.

So what sort of power are we talking about?

The first generation cartridge is a quad core AMD A6-5200 clocked at 2GHz with anywhere from 2-8GB of laptop ram and 32GB to 512GB of storage onboard. It will run any OS that you can install on an x86 computer today, including the Linux distro needed for a Steam Machine if that’s where you’d like to go with this rig.

That’s decent enough. The company has blown past their funding goals, and should have the product shipping by April. $449 will get you a system with one docking station. Each additional dock is around $70-$80.

[ Project Page ] VIA [ Geek.com ]

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