Would You Ever Use A Portable, Inflatable Bathtub?

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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File this under novelty items, but it’s interesting nonetheless. The Inflatable Bath Tub for adults is exactly what it sounds like: a bathtub that you fill up with air, and can use “anywhere”. It comes with its own air pump, and when deployed, will fit a person up to 6’5″ and 280 lbs. Of course, you’ll have the issue of figuring out how you’re going to fill it with water, and then drain it afterwards. Although it comes with a 4 foot accordion drain hose, we imagine that setting up an inflatable bath tub on your fifth floor apartment poses more challenges than most people imagine. Still, if you like to live dangerously, you can own one for $179. And unlike the girl in the picture, it’s totally ok to get in with your clothes off.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

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