By Evan Ackerman
Yesterday, we celebrated BotJunkie’s 1000th post. After two spectacularly successful years (and counting) of bringing you the latest happenings in the robot world, we’re holding a contest to come up with a collective noun for a group of robots… Like, a “herd” of robots, except something more robot-y. If you have some good ideas, head on over to this post for details… And did we mention there are prizes?
We have a bunch of awesome prizes for the most creative terms (that’s right, this is not a random drawing, it’s an actual contest), including a VEXplorer kit from Trossen Robotics, a WowWee TriBot, and weRobot t-shirts from Chop Shop. And of course, we’ve still got all the most interesting robot news, (like we do every day), so there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t click here right now, and again every single day from now on. Trust us. When it comes to robots, addiction is a good thing.
[ BotJunkie ]