You Can Leave The Glowsticks At Home – Diesel Now Selling Glowing Denim

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Diesel's Flash For Fun Clothing Line (Images courtesy Diesel)
By Andrew Liszewski

As long as your nightclub/hotspot of choice has plenty of black lighting installed you can now wear your glowsticks with the ‘Flash For Fun’ clothing from Diesel. Everything in the new line, which includes denim, tees, underwear and sneakers, is specially coated so that it will glow with unique patterns and illustrations when exposed to a black light. And the glowing designs are completely invisible in regular light, allowing you to wear them during the day without looking like a complete and utter tool. Men’s jeans seem to run around $150 (100 Euros) while tees are about $38 (25 Euros) but this time you’re paying for more than just a name.

[ Diesel Flash For Fun Line ] VIA [ Cool Hunting ]

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