You Gonna Eat That Stapler?…. You… Wanna Share It?

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Don’t feel bad if you don’t get the Family Guy reference (from its long gone golden years…). But reading about the LeftoverSwap application above made us think about it. See, some fine folk seem to think it a good idea to spend resources creating a smartphone application that allows you to share your leftovers. Yes, really. Ordered too much food? Take a picture of what’s left and upload it. You’re hungry and don’t mind eating someone else’s half eaten burritos? Fire up the application and browse nearby selections. Press a few buttons to arrange pickup or delivery, and you’re done. Yes, this is serious, and no it’s not a joke.

There’s some relatively sound reasoning behind it. The application developers assert that 40% of the food we produce goes to waste, 25% of us don’t know our neighbors’ names, 70% of us are overweight, 16% of Americans lack enough food for a healthy lifestyle and 99% of us don’t need a second helping of beef lo main. LeftoverSwap solves all these problems at once, encouraging you to eat free, save potentially wasted food, meet your neighbours, and prevent them from getting too fat. It’s not a bad idea, if only people manage to get over the idea of eating someone else’s cold, potentially unsanitary food. But hey, thumbs up for making at effort at tackling some problems.

Still under development, you can visit the website and leave your email to be notified when it’s finished.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

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