You Know… Your Gadgets Sure Could Use A Little Freshening Up

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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Ever, you know… smelled your phone? It’s probably not gross or anything, but considering the number of times it’s pressed up against your possibly oily face, fondled with your potentially dirty fingers, and rubbed up against your definitely filthy paper money, we’re confident your phone could use a little freshening up now and then. That’s Philips’ thinking too. They have a line of gadget cleaners that come in four pleasant scents: lavender, chamomile, mint, and rose. They’re billed as ‘Anti-bacterial screen cleaners’, but we would definitely clean more than just the screen. If they leave a pleasant scent behind after you’re done disinfecting your device, that’s bonus, isn’t it? At $10 a bottle, it’s the kind of useful product worth keeping around just because.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ ChipChick ]

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