Your Future Doesn’t Stand a Chance with these Zombie-Themed Tarot Cards

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Zombie Tarot Cards

I had my cards read a couple of years ago and it was a mix of good and bad things to come. Fortunately for me, none of the bad things have materialized yet. Unfortunately for me, neither have the good stuff. Not that I really believe in fortune tellers and tarot card readers, although I find what they do (or what they claim to do) pretty intriguing.

Zombies are huge these days and even tarot cards can’t escape this fact–and I’ve got proof that comes in the form of these zombie-themed tarot cards. Instead of the usual suits, these feature images of the undead and the living dead that more or less ensures that you’ll have a pretty bad future either way.

Hit the break for more images of these cards.

Zombie Tarot Cards

Zombie Tarot Cards

Zombie Tarot Cards

Zombie Tarot Cards

The cards were conceptualized by Headcase Design for Quirk Books, so they’re not going to be put on sale anytime soon.

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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