Zigo Leader Carrier Bicycle

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Zigo Leader Carrier Bicycle (Images courtesy SOMA Cycle Inc.)
By Andrew Liszewski

I don’t own a car, but apparently those numbers posted at the gas station mean that refueling your vehicle has gotten rather expensive these days. So instead of heading out in the family minivan with the kids, why not go the bike route instead? The Zigo is a modular bicycle that allows you to carry a couple of kids in the ChildPod up front, which makes it easier to keep an eye on them while you’re riding. (As opposed to having the child sitting behind you.) When you get to your destination the ChildPod can be removed and transformed into a stroller in about 30 seconds which then allows the Zigo to be used as a standard 2-wheeled bicycle once you attach the front wheel.

At $995 from MyZigo.com it’s not the cheapest bike or stroller on the market, particularly when you consider it’s something your kids will quickly outgrow. But if it helps avoid a trip to the gas station, I guess it could be worthwhile in the long run.

[ Zigo Leader Carrier Bicycle ] VIA [ YoKiddo! ]

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