Zip, Touch-n-Go Charging System (Image courtesy TheJoyFactory)
By Andrew Liszewski

Until all the world’s gadgets play by the same charging rules, wrangling cords, cables and wall warts is a fact of life. But at least alternative solutions like TheJoyFactory’s Zip, Touch-n-Go charging system provide a temporary reprieve until manufacturers get their act together.

It’s another multi-device charging solution, but in order to keep cable tangle to a minimum, the various leads and connectors connect to the base via magnets. Unfortunately specific details are sparse to non-existant since the charger isn’t available just yet, but here’s to hoping those short cords are made a little longer in the release version, otherwise your gear will all end up stacked in a pile when you’re charging multiple devices at the same time.

[ TheJoyFactory ] VIA [ Chip Chick ]