By David Ponce

It’s from back in the days when computers were giant grazing woolly mecha-mammoths. One was caught in the wild, it’s hard drive removed and is now on display at the Drivesavers booth at Macworld.



  1. […] Fun side note about how things work on the internet: I found this from a post on Digg. This pointed to an article on TecheBlog which was crediting OhGizmo! as the source which was crediting with the find. Being an Apple blog, I wouldn’t rule them out as the seed for all this, but it would be fun to see how deep this rabbit hole goes. 1985, Blogs, Hard Drive, Inflation 298 Words Posted under General | […]

  2. i had a 20 meg hard drive put in my mac 512 in 1986, cost me $1200. also had them hard wire 4megs of ram with 256k ram chips. we wondered at the time how in the world we were going to use 20megs storage.

    bring back mac system 7. fit on a floppy!

  3. I can go one better than that. In 1976, the world’s largest air conditioning manufacturer had a very good year. They wrote two five million dollar checks. One for a business jet. The second was for five megabytes of memory for their IBM 370-168 MP mainframe. The memory came from Control Data Corporation, because the real IBM memory was even more expensive…