Bluetooth Sunglasses

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RAZRWireBy Scott Hirscheimer

[This is three months old! Lordy lord! -Ed.] Motorola and Oakley have joined forces to create sunglasses integrating Bluetooth technology which they call the RAZRWire. The RAZRWire sunglasses combine a Motorola Bluetooth headset with Oakley sunglasses. I’ll admit it, they do look pretty impressive.

The RAZRWire sunglasses have a fully adaptable design where you can switch the control module to either ear. Made from O-luminum, the frames are comfortable and lightweight. Also featured on the Bluetooth RAZRWire is its patented XYZ Optics, which maintains razor sharp clarity at all angles of vision. The Oakley name combined with Motorola Bluetooth technology sounds like a great match. Let’s see if they make it work.

Bluetooth technology seems to be becoming more popular everyday. More and more companies are incorporating Bluetooth into their everyday products. So, what else can they come up with next?

For more information on the RAZRWire, click here. If you would like to learn more about Bluetooth technology, visit, the comprehensive guide to everything Bluetooth related.

Update: Ah, it seems the newness is that this product is now actually available for purchase. I’m properly chastised. -Ed.

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