Determine Your “Blog Juice”

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My Blog JuiceBy David Ponce

Here’s a fun little tool if you own a blog. It’s called Blog Juice and it comes from company Text-Link-Ads. This company is a third-party reseller of text links, much like AdBrite, though they seem to be gaining some traction lately, probably due to their, eh, $10,000/month partnership with TechCrunch. Anyway, they use a fancy AJAX interface to determine your blog’s influence and rank it next to other blogs with stronger and weaker juice, just to give you an idea of just where you stand. It takes Bloglines subscriptions, Alexa and Technorati rank, as well as Technorati inbound links to perform its calculation. You can also enter other sites to compare against. What’s interesting is that this is the “algorithm” Text-Link-Ads probably uses when they determine the value of text links placed on your site. Of course, you can also visit their link calculator to get an idea of how much money you could be making with them… but this isn’t as much fun as getting your “Blog Juice”, with snazzy badge to boot.

[Blog Juice Calculator]

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