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    Google Adsense Notifier for Firefox

    David Ponce Avatar

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    By David Ponce

    So, it’s nothing new. Internet Explorer is the next best thing to fermented cabbage rolls. Strangely, a huge amount of people still use it. I know by saying this, I’ve probably offended a few. People… if you’re reading this… switch to Firefox. You’ll be glad you did. I won’t get all preachy (that’s next post), but really, if you like me… get it.

    In any case, for those of you Firefox-enabled comes a nice little extension: The Adsense Notifier. It’s no secret, a lot of us think there’s money to be made on the web, right? Evidently, sugar baby Google, with the Adsense program, is the main provider of all this lovin, and many, many of you check your accounts obsessively, every day, tracking every penny you’ve made. Well, now your sad life has gotten just a bit easier with this little extension.

    At a glance, you’ll be able to tell the number of your Adsense ads, clicks/page view, eCPM, and the revenues you’re making from the program. It sits in the corner of your browser and keeps you constantly informed of your essentials.

    Now, I don’t know if it’s all the alcohol I’ve had, or the missing neurons I was born without… but I’m not able to get it to work. When I click on the link… well, something funky happens. It just seems to download text. It’s supposed to be an .xpi file, which is a Firefox extension, but my little browser is playing dumb today. Maybe some of you can enlighten me…

    In any case, there you have it: an Adsense notifier icon for Firefox. Right here. Story VIA Technology Futurist.

    3 responses to “Post Title”

    1. Ron Avatar

      Oh please, stop the IE bashing. I for one still don’t see what is so great about Firefox. It’s not faster than IE. It has lots of its own quirks and bugs. “Standards” and “Open source” are all wonderful thing but it doesn’t make a better product.

    2. Matt Avatar

      To get the extension installed, all you need to do is right click on the link to the “adsense.xpi” and select “Save Link As…”; pop the file somewhere you will remember, click on “File”, “Open File” and than select the file you have just saved (and than obviously click on “Open”.

      The plug-in will automatically install; to configure you just need to close and re-open Firefox and the config page should automatically display, if not you can access it by clicking on “Tools” and than “Extensions”.

      Plug-in works well, however the plugin doesn’t seem to login unless you are logged into Adsense via a webpage at the same time.

    3. […] fier for Firefox Filed under: Internets, Firefox, Google — Scott @ 12:32 pm (via By David Ponce So, it’s nothing new. Internet Explorer is the next best thing to ferment […]

    4. Michael MacSlatherbuns Avatar
      Michael MacSlatherbuns

      You weren’t born with missing neurons? Lucky you.

    5. David Ponce - Editor Avatar

      Funky double negative huh? I think that’s proof positive of the neurons I don’t have. That’s what I meant you know… Lol… the neurons i don’t have… ah, never mind!

    6. eric Avatar

      this looks great, now i don’t have to keep going to adsense and mashing CTRL-R 😉

    7. Eric Giguere Avatar

      Make sure you have the latest version (0.6.1 or higher) installed since the AdSense console changed significantly in July and broke the old notifier.

    8. […] efore you leave, you should also check these out: Printable Displays The Rotary Dial Watch The Google Adsense Notifier Extension for Firefox The $5,700/m Audio Cable […]