Quick Survey

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways

By David Ponce

Hey everyone. I did this about a year ago, and I’m about to do it again. I want to ask you all a couple questions, to make sure we’re finding the best, most interesting content for all of you.

How many of you come here first for gadget news?
How many come here as a “once I’ve read all the other ones”?
Who would be interested with a slightly larger proportion of items already covered elsewhere, with the tradeoff being more relevance and more purchasability (this is not a word, eh?)?
Do you come here for the offbeat, or the mainstream?

These are my most basic questions, but the comment section is open to your suggestions. Every day we scour hundreds of sites, looking for products we think might interest you, and we can’t do the best job without your input. So, please, help us out; we want to give you more of what you like, and less of what you don’t, so we need to know about both.

Thanks folks.

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